You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
Bank Transfer (BACS)
If you are a tax-payer, please consider Gift-Aid - as a registered charity we will be able to reclaim tax already paid on donations, adding 25% to your gift at no extra cost to you.
To Gift-Aid your donation you will need to sign the form which can be downloaded here.
Our bank details are ...
Bank name: Barclays
Account name: Friends of St Peter & St Paul
Bank sort code: 20-11-43
Account Number: 43685454
Reference: Your name