You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
We are sorry but you cannot donate by cheque.
Open Days at St Peter & St Paul, Ewhurst
Saturday 18 September 10 am - 12 & 1.30 - 4.30 pm
Sunday 19 September 2 - 4.30 pm
Look at the history of out lovely historic church and see how it has changed over the years.
Pay a visit to the bell tower and learn the history of the bells
Discover links to famous people with our churchyard tour on Saturday at 2.15 pm and links to the first world war on Sunday, also at 2.15 pm.
The new History Society book - “Ewhurst 1910 – 1960” - will be on sale. The author, Janet Balchin will be there to talk to you about it as well as leading the churchyard tours.
To keep you going with all this information to take in, teas, coffee and cake will be available in the Wilson Room
All donations made during the Open Days will be used by FSPSP towards the repair and restoration of the church which is still on the “At Risk “Register
Please note:
Disabled parking for those with mobility issues, is available in the Rectory during the Open Day sessions
Children under 14 must be accompanied by and adult
Please register with the Covid App on the church entrance or leave contact details (one person/group)
The bell tower has very steep steps and is not suitable for anyone with mobility issues
If you plan to do a churchyard tour, please wear stout shoes. Be aware that the ground is very rough and uneven if you leave the paths
For more information on access and parking for those with mobility problems, or offers to help during the days, please contact our secretary on 01483 268694 or