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You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
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You can make regular payments to the Friends. To do this, you will need to set up a Direct Debit arrangement with your bank.
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The Heritage Lottery Fund kindly awarded us a grant of £26,300 for the bell restoration project.
Work Carried Out:
Renovation and restoration of existing ring of bells and the replacement of bells 5 and 6 to improve synchronisation and harmonisation. These two are the oldest bells.
Executed by:
John Taylor and Co. Foundry of Loughborough.
Work completed:
12th April 2018
Restoration Work Scope
Ewhurst church has a ring of 8 bells, tenor 11-2-8 in G sharp. The last time that any major work was carried out on the bells was in 1938 by John Taylor and Co., when the treble and second of the old ring of six were scrapped and replaced by four new bells at the front, increasing the ring to eight bells, all housed in a new metal frame. The four bells at the back retained their canons and an unusual feature of the installation was that the canon-retaining headstocks fitted in 1938 loop over the top of the canons, rather than surrounding them. The effect of this was to make the back four more slower-turning than the front four. Because of their age, bells 5 and 6 could not be scrapped and have been re-hung in the tower..
The following work was undertaken by John Taylor and Co., starting on 5th February 2018 and finishing during the week of 19th March 2018 (see EVENTS page):
Rehang the bells in the existing bell frame, replacing or refurbishing bearings, clappers, pulleys, and other fittings as necessary;
Replace bells 5 and 6 with two new bells;
Replace the headstocks on bells 7 and 8 with new headstocks
Reduce the diameter of the wheels on the back four bells;
Repair a small fracture in the bell frame;
Hang one of the old bells 5 and 6 in a separate frame alongside the bell-frame for stationary chiming and hang the other for display in the ringing room;
Scrape down and paint the bell frame;
Improve the general environment of the ringing room with better lighting, ventilation and seating, fresh painting and creation of a storage cupboard;
Open up the floors in the bell chamber and ringing room to create openings for taking the bells out and in and then make good afterwards.
There was no necessity for any external sound control.
In addition to the tasks carried out by the bell hangers, the ringers enhanced the ringing room environment by means of improving the lighting, repainting the clock case, tower entrance and ringing room ceiling. Also by removing unnecessary items and rehousing the remaining items in a new cupboard. A display board and white board have been added. Further seating away from the ringing circle will also be provided, helping to create a welcoming, practical and social space for ringers.
The ringers and villagers provided assistance to the bell hanger by helping during the refurbishment, offering accommodation for the bell hanger, taking apart the bell fittings and rubbing down and re-painting the frame, thereby reducing the cost by some £3,000.